General Information
  • Lewiston Airport (LWS) is served by two airlines that offer daily services to Boise, Seattle and Salt Lake City.
  • Port of Lewiston is the furthest inland seaport in all of the Pacific Northwest, with eight dams and locks to the Ocean.
  • The major highways that service Lewiston are I-95 and I-12 which serve north-south and east-west routes
  • Rail freight main line service is provided by Great Northwest Railroad with connections to both Union Pacific and Burlington Northern.
  • Lewiston Transit system offers two fixed routes as well as connections to the Clarkston Routes and Appaloosa Express at the Lewiston Community Center.
  • Historical roots that date back to the 1800’s when explorers Meriwether Lewis and William Clark were authorized by President Thomas Jefferson to explore, scout, survey and map, to find a direct waterway to the West Coast and Pacific Ocean.